10.24.24 - Pope Francis' new enyclical encourages everyone to renew their love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Sacred Heart invites us to love as Christ Loves.
Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley and appointed Bishop Richard G. Henning of Providence, Rhode Island, to succeed him as the archdiocese’s 10th bishop and seventh archbishop.Cardinal O’Malley celebrated his 80th birthday on June 29. According to rules set by St. Paul VI, all bishops must submit their resignation to the pope at age 75, which the pope is free to accept or defer as he chooses. However, the same rules dictate that cardinals lose their appointments in Vatican dicasteries and may not participate in the conclave to elect the next pope once they turn 80. He has headed the Boston Archdiocese since July 2003.
Cardinal O’Malley remains the head of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, created in 2014 by Pope Francis. The task of the Commission is to advise the Holy Father and to promote effective policies for child protection among the bishops conferences and to carry on educational programs preparing people to be involved in child protection in the Church.
9/10/23 - On Sunday Jozef and Wiltoria Ulma and their 7 children were beatified in their native Poland. The Umas were executed by the Nazis in March 1944 for sheltering jews on their farm. Wiktoria was pregnant with their 8th child. Beatification is one step before being Canonized as a Saint. In Rome, Pope Francis praised the Umas their heroism for giving their lives to save Jews during World War II.
8/6/23 - Sunday Pope Francis completed his Pilgrimage to the 2023 World Youth Day in Brisbon, Portugal. He led the Way of the Cross, prayed the Rosary at Fatima, heard a few pilgrim's confessions at a Penance Service, and presided at the Closing Mass with over 200,000 young Pilgrims from throughout the World. Check the Vatican News Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/vaticannews for more articles, pictures and videos of the Holy Father's Trip to World Youth Day.
June 19 - Pope Francis met with members of the organizing committee for the 10th Eucharistic Congress July 17 - 21, 2024 which will be in Indianapolis. "Continue your efforts to contribute to a revival of faith in, and love for, the Holy Eucharist" Pope Francis told the Committee Members as he blessed the Monstrance that will be used during the Congress. A video of the Visit and Blessing is available through the link in the title.
5/13/23 - Pope Francis met with the President of Ukraine at the Vatican for 40 minutes. They discussed the ongoing humanitarian and political situation in Ukraine due to the war.
4/26/23 - The Vatican announced the upcoming Synod of Bishops will include religious sisters, lay women and men as voting members. For the first time, women will be allowed to vote at a Synod Assembly.
4/11/23 - Written in 1963, after the Cuban Missile Crisis in the United States, "Pacem in Terris" (Peace in the World) reiterates the current Vatican's commitment of multilateralism and dialogue between peoples, and nations; and draws a connection between "Pacem in Terris" and Pope Francis' Encyclical "Fratelli Tutti" - (Fraternity & Social Friendship). Both Encyclicals can be found on our Website in the Resources/Links Tab.
4/7/23 - Marking the annual celebrations of Easter and Passover, Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington D.C. and Pope Francis’ long-time friend, Rabbi Abraham Skorka, remind all believers that Jews and Christians celebrate the true freedom of this holy season together.
3/10/23 - Significant changes will happen in the next two years on the campus of the Benedictine Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Beech Grove. The community’s Benedict Inn & Retreat Center will close on May 31, 2024. And the buildings that make up the Benedict Inn and the adjacent monastery will be demolished. “We’re not leaving this property,” said Benedictine Sister Julie Sewell, Our Lady of Grace’s prioress, noting that “1402 Southern Avenue will remain our home.”
WASHINGTON—Father Daniel Mahan, a priest of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, has been appointed as the director of the recently formed Institute on the Catechism, housed within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis. Father Michael J.K. Fuller, USCCB general secretary, made the appointment, which takes effect on July 1, 2023. Father Mahan will be working at the USSCB offices in Washington.
2/17/23-Several Archdiocesan Staff Members recently participated in the continental phase in preparation for the world Synod of Bishops Meeting. They took part in online meetings in December and January with Catholics from across the U.S. and Canada.
2/12/23 - Pope Francis decries the imprisonment of Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Alvarez and the expulsion of dissidents, and appeals to political leaders to open their hearts to truth and justice and engage in dialogue.
2/9/23 Relief Efforts are being organized through Catholic Relief Services. Link to donate is in title above or click on picture. Your support is greatly appreciated.
On the 9th International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, the Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, Pope Francis invites everyone to journey together to promote human dignity and fight human trafficking, without leaving anyone behind.
2/6/23 - Pope Francis is saddened by the huge loss of life caused by earthquakes in Turkey and in Syria. His words of closeness and assurances of prayers came in telegrams sent to the apostolic nuncios of the two countries.