Archdiocese of Indianapolis
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults - USCCB
Cardinal Ritter Birthplace Foundation - New Albany
Catalyst Catholic - New Albany Deanery
Catholic Campaign for Human Development - USCCB
Catholic Relief Services
Indiana Catholic Conference
Laudato Si Movement (Outreach of Pope Francis' Encyclical on the Environment)
New Albany Deanery of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis - Links to Parishes
Sts. Peter & Paul Cathedral - Indianapolis
Directions & Parking for Sts Peter & Paul Cathedral
St. Vincent de Paul USA - National Conference
US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Each Include an Introductory Summary
✝️ Pope Leo XIII - "Rerum Novarum"- Rights & Duties of Capitol & Labor - 1891
✝️ Pope Pius XII - "Mystici Corporis Christi" - The Mystical Body of Christ - 1943
✝️ Pope John XXIII - "Mater et Magistra" - Christianity & Social Progress - 1961
✝️ Pope John XXIII - "Pacem in Terris" - Peace in the World - 1963
✝️ Pope Paul VI - "Populorum Progressio" - On the Development of Peoples - 1967
✝️ Pope Paul VI - "Humanae Vitae" - Of Human Life - 1968
✝️ Pope John Paul II - "Redemptor Hominis" - The Redeemer of Man - 1979
✝️ Pope John Paul II - "Evangelium Vitae" - Gospel of Life - March 1995
✝️ Pope John Paul II - "Et Unum Sint" - Commitment to Ecumenism - May 1995
✝️ Pope John Paul II - "Ecclesia De Eucharistia" - The Church from the Eucharist - 2008
✝️ Pope Benedict XVI - "Deus Caritas Est"- Christian Love - 2005
✝️ Pope Benedict XVI - "Spe Salvi" - Christian Hope - 2007
✝️ Pope Benedict XVI - "Caritas inVaritate" - Charity in Truth - 2009
✝️ Pope Francis "Laudato Si' " - On Care for Our Common Home - 2015
✝️ Pope Francis "Fratelli Tutti" - Fraternity & Social Friendship - 2020
✝️ Pope Francis "Dilexit Nos" - He Loved Us - 2024
More Encyclicals will be added