Seasons of Hope ~ Grief Support
Seasons of Hope offers the bereaved an opportunity to come together to share in God's love. With the support of the faith community, we can give voice to our unique journeys of grief and find healing and spiritual growth. Seasons of Hope sessions help us explore mourning through scripture, prayer, reflection activities and faith sharing. All are welcome to join us for faith, comfort and fellowship.
Next Session begins on May 14, 2024 and occurs every 2 weeks for six sessions:
May 14 & 28/June 11 & 25/July 9 & 23
Questions: please contact Pam Seewer - [email protected]
Senior Citizens Mass & Meeting
Parishioners age 60+ are invited to the Monthly Mass and Social Gathering on the 4th Wednesday of the month, excluding November and December.
Mass begins at 10 am in the Church, followed by Lunch and an opportunity for gathering to play cards or games as desired.
Contact: Dorothy Gilkey
[email protected]
Parish Health Ministry
This ministry welcomes healthcare professionals and those interested in integrating health and healing with faith and service. Some of the services provided are monthly blood pressure screenings after weekend Masses, and the making and distribution of "prayer blankets." The Parish Health Ministry's concerns are multi-generational and outreach services are in formation. This Ministry also serves as Health Ministers in the event a person falls ill during Mass.
Contact: Jessica Sizemore
[email protected]
Circle of Love Meal Ministry
Join a small team that operates on a rotation basis to provide assistance to those in need. This includes dish preparation and/or delivery of ho--me-cooked meals to the home of those needing a hand in times of trial or recovery, or the birth of a child. If you know of someone that could use this service, please contact Sherri Williams or Mary Ann Kollros, listed below.
Contacts: Sherri Williams
[email protected]
Mary Ann Kollros
[email protected]
Funeral Comfort Meals
After funerals, our parish provides a luncheon for a deceased member's family and friends upon request. Volunteers are needed to prepare a dish, help setup, serve, and clean up after the luncheon.
Contact: Suzie Didat
[email protected]
Hospitality in Service Ministry (HIS)
This ministry exists to extend hospitality to those that may feel lonely, forgotten or overlooked. Areas of this ministry's focus are:
♦ Sending Cards and making contact with the home bound and elderly
♦ Host a Special Needs event at least 3 times a year serving over 100 people
♦ Deliver poinsettias to the home bound at Christmas